Our Story

In describing the indescribable, you need to find new words.

The problem with new words is that nobody understands the words and your work is futile. So how can a new word be performed in such a way that you would be able to transfer the knowledge of futility?

ZtereoiD is such a word.

You might think you understand – but then you realize that you don’t. So what does our name stand for?

The definition of sound is binary. It’s dual in it’s setup. you have two ears, I have two ears. It’s stereo. Duality, Bifold and Duplex.

The Identification of music is Duality and coupled with your perception of the audio. That is ZtereoiD.

Even though there are asteroids in space. There is no sound in space. No Duality. Only singularity. It’s only you and your eternal infinity.

The Z is just Z. It’s Cool. Z is the end.

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